Friday, 07 February 2025

Doktori Képzés SZTE FOK

PhD Training at the Faculty of Dentistry

Supervisor for PhD Training:


Minárovits, János MD, DSc professor

Minárovits, János MD, DSc professor

Phone: +36 (62) 34 2541


Research program of Faculty of Dentistry

The School of Dentistry has founded an independent PhD program in 2004 in the frame of the Graduate School of Clinical Sciences / in the University of Szeged, Hungary. The title of the program is “Research in Dental Medicine”. The Faculty of Dentistry was established on 1st of January, 2007.

The aim of the “Research in Dental Medicine” postgraduate program is to train professionals who have gained theoretical knowledge, medical practice and research in stomatology. Furthermore, it is required from these professionals to be capable of transferring their knowledge by actively assisting with the training of future researchers after receiving their scientific degrees. The postgraduate program is designed to aid the development of new therapeutical techniques and also their subsequent introduction to the classic and new areas of dental practice.

Research topics of our PhD program:

  • Biointegration of alloplastic materials
  • Ethiopathogenesis and functional maintain of periodontal involved teeth
  • Maintain and conservative restoration of teeth with caries or pulp disease
  • Primer and secondary developmental anomalies of face, as well as its corrective and surgical treatment in orthodontics
  • Research in oral and clinical microbiology
  • Prosthetic rehabilitation following tumor surgery and its effect on quality of life
  • Changes of the oral bacterial flora as side effects of oral cancer therapy (chemo-radio). Halitosis research.
  • Salivary glands and saliva secretion in health and disease
  • Epidemiology of stomato-oncologic diseases, immunological aspects of thermal surgery comparison with other modalities
  • Interdisciplinary aspects of dental diseases. Oral features of disease states with background from genetics, obstetrics, internal medicine and other clinical sciences. Oral manifestations of systemic diseases.

Doctoral School of Medicine

Graduate Schools of the University of Szeged