Thursday, 13 March 2025

Department of Periodontology

Periodontology is the branch of science dealing with diseases of the periodontal attachment apparatus of the teeth. Inflammation of the gums covering the retaining tissues and periodontitis leading to destruction of the periodontium represent widespread diseases whose treatment requires the joint effort of suitable prepared teams. At our Department, a staff of specialist dentists, would-be specialist dentists, and clinical dental nurses is involved in patient treatment. A major part of our activities is related to preventing periodontal diseases and treating patients suffering from periodontitis.

As a first step in the course of establishing the youngest Faculty of the University, i.e., the Faculty of Dentistry, individual departments were formed in 2002. The current Department of Periodontology, in conjunction with the Department of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry, jointly constituted the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, initially headed by Associate Professor Dr. István Gorzó, department head, now full professor of the University. He is one of the founders of periodontology schools in Hungary. He earned his MSc degree from the Eastman Dental Hospital, London. As a result of his research activities in London, he earned his degree of Candidate of Science.

Later on, similarly to other faculties, individual departments were set up, including the Department of Periodontology, which was headed by Professor Gorzó, followed in 2010 by Professor József Piffkó, appointed department head and director of the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of the Faculty of Human Medicine.

Since 2011, the staff at the Department of Periodontology has delivered the now four-semester course in Periodontology. In addition, instructors at the Department deliver the course entitled “Infection Control in Dentistry”, a subject first introduced in the Hungarian curriculum as a result of experience gained in London, Cork, and Leuven within the framework of a TEMPUS grant. We are also involved in teaching subjects Instrumentation in Dentistry, Oral Biology, Advanced Imaging Procedures in Dentistry, Practice Management, Diagnostics, and Treatment Planning to dentistry students, and Dentistry to medical students, both in Hungarian and English.

In addition to gradual student training, 2-3 would-be specialist dentists begin their preparation annually for an EU recognized specialist examination in Periodontology, introduced back in 2000.

The Department is involved in research in various areas on the basis of extensive cooperation with various faculties of the University (Faculty of Human Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacology, Faculty of Engineering), and foreign partners as well (University of Bern and University of Turku). During its short history, three successful PhD degrees have been awarded by the Department.