Wednesday, 05 February 2025
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EFP Master Clinic Paris

This year started with an amazing conference in Paris. It was held 6-7th of February.


Dr. László Párkányi & Dr. Tamás Tián
Dr. László Párkányi & Dr. Tamás Tián
The subject was peri-implant plastic and reconstructive surgery. Two of our postgraduate students, TamásTián and László Párkanyi attended this meeting.

It was a great meeting, where we learned a lot about soft and hard tissue management around implants as well as some treatment concepts in peri-implant recession and periimplantitis cases. All lecture topics were followed by panel discussions, which enlightened us about the small blank spots remaining after the lectures.

Dr. Otto Zuhr Dr. Massimo Simion Dr. Pierpaulo Cortellini

Dr. Otto Zuhr - Dr. Massimo Simio - Dr. Pierpaulo Cortellini

Besides the great lectures, we personallygot to meet some of the greatest names in implant therapy. After the conference we also had a little spare time spent in the city, to discover the beautiful downtown of Paris.

László Párkányi
