Sunday, 26 January 2025
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Open Day 2017

First Open Day for prospective students

University of Szeged Faculty of Dentistry had its first Open Day for prospective students

Open Day

The open day was a great opportunity to come and see the Dental School and Szeged. Students got an overview about the structure and mission of the Faculty in the presentation of the Dean, Dr. Kinga Turzó. They had a short university lecture by Prof. Dr. Marta Radnai. Students and young dentists of the Faculty informed the guests about students’ life at the Faculty of Dentistry and in Szeged. The program included a tour in the building and in the University Library. Students had many questions, and friendly discussions with the teachers.

Open Day

We hope that in a few months we will meet the students who take part in the program after a successful entrance examination.