Sunday, 12 January 2025
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Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia 2017

The Scientific Circle Conference 2017

On the 16th of November, the Scientific Circle Conference of the Dental students took place at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Szeged.

Ten Hungarian and two English program students participated, namely Luise Paeßens and Melanie Tscharnke. One of the Hungarian students was a guest applicant from a fellow faculty. The presentations discussed many dental topics, from TMJ disfunction to the efficiency of periodontal treatments, from endo-restaurative techniques to dental implant integration. We were happy to acknowledge that not only in vitro, but also in vivo experiments took place leading up to the presented studies.

Our jury consisted of researchers as well as clinicians. The head of the jury was Dr. Krisztina Buzás Ph.D. research fellow, along with Prof. Dr. Melinda Madléna, head of the Department of Orthodontic and Pediatric Dentisrty and Dr. Anette Stájer Ph.D. assistant professor.

During the awarding ceremony our dean, Dr. Kinga Turzó was handing out the awards.

The third place was shared among Gréta Garai (5th year dental student; supervisor: Dr. Zoltán Baráth Ph.D. associate professor) and Regina Schindler (4th year student; supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Tóth Ph.D. research fellow. The second prize was handed out to Ádám Szívós, 5th year student at our fellow faculty, the Faculty of Science and Informatics (supervisor: Dr. Erzsébet Antal Dr. Lászlóné Nagy assistant professor). The winner of this year's Scientific Circle was Beatrix Dóra Ónodi 5th year student at our faculty (supervisors: Dr. Emese Battancs assistant lecturer and Dr. Márk Fráter Ph.D. assistant professor).

The prizes were granted by the Foundation for Dental Education of Szeged and Richter Gedeon Nyrt.

We highly congratulate all the winners and participants.

The Scientific Circle Conference 2017 - Awards ceremony
The Scientific Circle Conference 2017 - Awards ceremony