Friday, 28 February 2025
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ICE 2018

This year, the 7th annual International Cultural Evening (ICE 2018) took place on 14th of April, 2018 at the Ujszegedi Sportcsarnok.

The International Cultural Evening is an event which unites students from different countries under one roof. Students get to catch a glimpse of other cultures by tasting a national food or watching a performance specific to that country. Everything from the food to the decorations are done by the international students themselves. These hardworking students manage to find the time to prepare for this event in between their studies.



ICE, was once again a beautiful night which concluded with good memories, delicious food and amazing performances. For this, we thank our extremely hard-working international students, the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Ferenc Bari, and the International Students Secretariat for helping make the event spectacular. Special thanks to Basel Ramadan, Chirag Parjiea, and Michael Ramirez for their hard work.


You can find more photos here.